Saturday, February 25, 2023

Dr Steven R. Goldstein - Estrogen replacement in Menopausal women


When a woman’s ovaries stop making enough estrogen for her body, she enters into the menopause stage of her life which produce symptoms such as night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleeping problems (insomnia), mood swings including irritability, depression and anxiety, bone loss, decreased interest in sex, joint pains, urine leakage and other symptoms.


Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is the leading Menopause Specialist in NYC who has seen thousands of patients at his office present with these symptoms and lookin for relief. For over two decades Dr Goldstein has seen patients in menopause and perimenopause and tailored treatments to meet their needs.

 Women come to Dr Goldstein’s office who are clearly menopausal, and clearly making no estrogen. They are exercising, eating healthily, and doing all the right things to stay healthy, and they feel great. However, Dr Goldstein, a top hormone specialist in NYC, tells them that there’s no question that however well they’re doing, estrogen replacement will improve their cholesterol and be good for their heart and bones.

 There are two things to keep in mind when you think about estrogen replacement. One is taking it to relieve symptoms. The other is taking it to maintain long term health, even though you may have no symptoms. For instance, Estrogen has been linked to reducing mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by helping to support the production of acetylcholine, a chemical that helps transmit nerve signals across synapses in the brain. Less estrogen, accordingly, means a harder time remembering and learning new things.

 As a leading hormone specialist in NYC, Dr Goldstein listens to patients who are menopausal describe their symptoms and answer questions about their gynecological health. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) must be tailored to meet the needs and symptoms of each woman, keeping her family history in mind as well. It is why Dr Goldstein has a long discussion with the patient to explain everything and help the patient weigh her risks and benefits.

 If you are menopausal or approaching menopause, you may schedule a consultation with Dr Steven R. Goldstein in NYC.