Monday, March 6, 2023

Dr Steven R. Goldstein - Best Gynecologist in Manhattan for Menopause




Dr. Steven R. Goldstein is the best Obgyn in Manhattan for menopause. He is a Certified Menopause Practitioner, a past President of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), and a past President of the International Menopause Society. He has helped thousands of women cope with the symptoms of menopause in his over 25 years of practice.

 Bleeding in post-menopausal women not on hormone replacement therapy, accounts for many medical interventions. Any menopause bleeding, even staining, regardless of how slight or short in duration must be evaluated. Even third year medical students know that any menopausal bleeding is “uterine cancer until proven otherwise.”

 In the past, the first clue to possible endometrial cancer was bleeding. Endometrial carcinoma has a peak prevalence at 55 years of age. Thus, 75% of cases occur in postmenopausal women. The role of unopposed estrogen in the development of this disease has been known for some time. Classic risk factors include obesity, diabetes, hypertension and low parity.

 As the best Gynecologist in Manhattan for menopause, Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD uses non-invasive Transvaginal Ultrasounds and Sonohysterography when necessary, as a simple, inexpensive, well tolerated office procedure to triage these post-menopausal women into three basic categories. Based on the precise, clear, high-resolution images from these procedures, a determination can be made as to whether the patient’s condition can be treated hormonally, are candidates for blind sampling, or are in need of visually directed sampling.

 Sonographic assessment of endometrial detail and adnexal structures has provided new insights into the physiologic and pathologic changes of menopausal patients. These insights have in turn guided modifications in the clinical approach to many of these patients.

 Dr Goldstein is also a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine and a former Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center.

 Dr Steven R Goldstein MD is the the best Obgyn in Manhattan for menopause who can evaluate female patients who are either in menopause or are post-menopausal and are experiencing unscheduled bleeding. You can schedule an appointment with Dr Goldstein by visiting his website.


Friday, March 3, 2023

Dr Steven R. Goldstein - Cervical Cancer Screening Specialist in NYC



Dr Goldstein, is an expert Cervical Cancer Screening Specialist in NYC.  When it comes to preventing cervical cancer, Dr Goldstein is a big advocate of the pap smear, which is a routine exam that checks for changes in the cells of the cervix. The number of cases of invasive cervical cancer in this country has fallen dramatically over the last 60 years mainly because of the Pap smear. The painless test is completed during the patient’s routine pelvic exam.

 New guidelines state that women should get their first Pap test at age 21 and have one every two years. Dr. Goldstein, however, continues to advocate for and perform Pap smears every year for his patients. He feels strongly that the benefit of a Pap smear – catching and preventing cervical cancer’s continued growth – deserves an annual test.

 Early abnormalities, previously called dysplasia and often referred to as “precancer”, have therefore scared patients into a great deal of overtreatment. It is true that everyone with true cancer passes through all the stages of dysplasia, but most people with early stages of dysplasia may revert to normal and rarely progress to more advanced stages. Thus, avoiding overtreatment is crucial. Unfortunately, too many doctors have recommended LEEP procedures, which Dr. Goldstein believes is overtreatment, mainly because such procedures have been shown to increase the risk of preterm labor and risk of miscarriage.

 The goal is to prevent the cervical cancer, not to treat it. And this is best done by annual or twice annual (depending on the patient’s history) pap smear exams.

 Dr Goldstein, a leading Gynecologist in NYC, believes that if one of his patients, under his medical supervision, were to develop such an advanced pre-cancerous lesion that required a hysterectomy he would feel that he had failed her miserably. His goal is to prevent the development of lesions that cannot be easily taken care of for instance here in an office setting with something as simple as an outpatient laser treatment.

 Dr. Goldstein often works with women seeking a second opinion after a primary OB/GYN recommends a LEEP. He evaluates patients, closely reviews results and has pap smear results re-evaluated as needed. If results indicate further data is needed, Dr. Goldstein performs colposcopy or laser surgery in his office.

 If you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer and require a second opinion or would like to be screened for cervical cancer, schedule a consultation with Dr Goldstein, a Cervical Cancer Screening Specialist in NYC by visiting