Friday, September 21, 2018

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD - Vaginal Sonogram Specialist & Expert in Ectopic Pregnancy Detection by Ultrasound in New York

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD is a Vaginal Sonogram Specialist, New York and a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School Of Medicine. He is also a Past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York section, Past President American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and is currently the Director of Gynecologic Ultrasound at NYU Langone Medical Center.

In his practice Dr Goldstein consults with patients on early pregnancy monitoring. One of the conditions Dr Goldstein checks for is an Ectopic pregnancy, which is when the developing embryo is located outside of the normal uterine cavity. 98% of these are in the fallopian tube. If they develop and rupture, they can cause hemorrhage requiring emergency surgery and transfusion.

Unfortunately, in the United States, ruptured ectopic pregnancy is still the most common cause of death in the first trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes there are risk factors for ectopic pregnancy but most cases are not predictable. Thus, it is extremely helpful when a pregnancy occurs to verify its location as being in the uterus as early as possible. This is done definitively with vaginal sonograms by locating the tiny gestational sac within the uterus. Usually this is seen by as little as one week after a patient is late for her period.

Fortunately, most of Dr. Goldstein’s patients call when they have had a positive home test and they can be seen relatively early so as to insure that the pregnancy is located within the uterus and, by serial observation, to be sure that the pregnancy is developing normally.

As a Vaginal Sonogram Specialist in New York, Dr Goldstein personally performs all Vaginal Sonograms, diagnoses the condition and then discusses treatment options with the patient.Dr Goldstein is one of the most highly recognized and regarded individuals in the field of vaginal probe ultrasounds and an internationally recognized expert in the field of gynaecological ultrasound and imaging.

If you are pregnant and are considering early pregnancy monitoring, contact Dr. Goldstein’s office to schedule a consultation.

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