Monday, June 12, 2023

Dr Steven R. Goldstein - HRT and the risk of stroke



 Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a top Hormone Specialist in NYC, a Certified Menopause Practitioner, North American Medical Society, a Past President of the North American Menopause Society, and a past President of the International Menopause Society. He is an expert on female hormone replacement therapy and co-author of the book “The Estrogen Alternative”


Women sometimes ask “do I run a greater risk of stroke by taking hormone replacement therapy?” The concept of the risk of stroke related to hormone replacement therapy is quite old and no longer adhered to. It is not dissimilar to concerns about increased blood pressure in the past. In the early days of HRT it was felt that women with high blood pressure should not take estrogen because they were at risk for stroke. This has turned around 180 degrees.


Now women with hypertension are among the first to be offered hormone replacement therapy because of the tremendous benefits that this HRT can give the cardiovascular system in terms of reduction of heart disease and stroke. There is less estrogen in HRT than in birth-control pills, which is why HRT is recommended for women with hypertension and birth control pills are not.


Dr Steven R. Goldstein, a top Hormone Specialist in NYC says that Estrogen replacement can help prevent heart disease. After menopause, the risk of heart disease for women increases dramatically. Women who are premenopausal have a much lower incidence of heart attacks than men. After menopause, if they don’t go on hormone replacement therapy, women begin to catch up pretty quickly. If they do go on hormone replacement, they retain that advantage. It’s no small benefit. It is estimated that 500,000 women a year die from coronary artery disease.


In the recent Nurses Health Study of 120,000 women, which took place over a ten year period, researchers found that women who took estrogen after menopause had about half the incidence of fatal heart attacks as the control group. The reason? Estrogen replacement seemed to improve a woman’s ratio of “good” cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL). Women who took combination therapy, which included progestin as well, reduced their risk by 61 percent.


If you are already experiencing the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, foggy memory, vaginal dryness and so on and are interested in learning how hormone replacement therapy can help you then arrange for a consultation with Dr Goldstein by contacting his office in New York City at 212-717-5554. Dr Goldstein has helped thousands of women cope with the symptoms of menopause. He is a leading Hormone Specialist in NYC who works with each women individually to understand the symptoms of menopause she is experiencing and her overall gynecological health before recommending hormone replacement therapy.