Thursday, August 31, 2023

Do HPV vaccines give complete immunity to HPV?



Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is a well-recognized Obgyn in Manhattan  who has worked with women for over three decades to improve their gynecological health. He is considered one of the nation’s top doctors in gynecology.


Some patients ask about the HPV vaccine. The problem with the HPV vaccine in Dr Goldstein’s opinion, is that when it first came out it only addressed 4 strains of HPV out of a hundred. These were the more serious types 16 and 18, and types 6 and 11 which caused warts, but not pre cancers. The numbers of patients who had this original vaccine still developed cervical pre cancers rather large.


Dr Goldstein felt that this vaccine sent the wrong message. For example, if one gets a polio shot, they are immune. If they get a Rubella vaccine, they are immune. However, the original HPV vaccine only addressed four strains and a woman could still develop pre cancers. The newer vaccine has nine strains, so now it makes more sense, but it still gives a false impression to patients, particularly younger ones, that they are protected.


This is why Dr Goldstein, a top Obgyn in Manhattan still champions the pap smear as a key procedure which can detect any strain of HPV which may lead to cervical cancer. Early measures can then be taken to ensure the patient does not get cervical cancer.


Half of the patients with cervical cancer are those who never had a pap smear, and another ten percent are those who have had an abnormal pap smear and do not follow up on it. So, the goal is not to prevent HPV, but to prevent cervical cancer, which is the real disease.


In all his decades of practice, Dr Goldstein has had only one patient present with cervical cancer, and she came to his practice with it. He has had many cases who developed pre cancer of the cervix, who were able to be treated quite effectively before it became cervical cancer.


If you are seeking a Gynecologist in Manhattan, then please contact the office of Dr Steven R. Goldstein, for an appointment. At Dr Goldstein’s office, individualized patient care is the norm and you will never feel rushed.


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