Saturday, November 11, 2023



The Menopause stage of life in women is brought on by the lack of estrogen produced by the ovaries. Dr Steven R. Goldstein, a top Menopause Specialist in NYC points out that there are over three hundred tissues from brain to bone to skin in a woman’s body that contain receptors for Estrogen. All of a woman’s most important body tissues contain Estrogen receptors. When the secretion of Estrogen changes, a woman’s health and well-being reflect those changes.


There are also sites in the brain where Estrogen receptors are found. Therefore, when a woman enters menopause and the body produces less estrogen, there is a significant impact on a woman’s overall health above and beyond the symptoms like hot flashes.


One of the areas affected is the brain, which is why many menopausal women complain about “foggy memory”. Studies have shown that women are three times more likely to develop memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease as they get older. From forgetfulness to Alzheimer’s where does Estrogen matter?


Dr Goldstein, a Menopause Specialist in NYC points out that studies have shown Estrogen has been linked to reducing mild symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by helping to support the production of acetylcholine, a chemical that helps transmit nerve signals across synapses in the brain. Acetylcholine is abnormally low in Alzheimer’s sufferers and may explain their impaired abilities to learn and remember.


Estrogen creates more connections among nerve cells, and it helps information travel more easily along those connections. Less estrogen, accordingly, means a harder time remembering and learning new things.


Women come into Dr Goldstein’s office who are clearly menopausal, clearly making no estrogen. They are eating healthy, exercising and doing all the right things and feel great. However well they are doing, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will benefit their overall health, and one of the areas it will benefit is the brain. 


Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a Certified Menopause Practitioner, North American Menopause Society and a past President of the International Menopause Society. As a Menopause Specialist in NYC, Dr Goldstein has helped thousands of women over more than two decades of private practice to improve their overall health during the menopause and cope with the symptoms of it by using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).


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