Monday, January 1, 2024

What are the causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding?



 Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD is an Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Specialist in NYC and has been in practice for over 25 years. He is regarded as one of the nation’s top gynecologists. There are several reasons for abnormal uterine bleeding. One of these is uterine polyps. These are growths of the endometrial lining tissue. They are characterized by having their own central feeder vessel. They are sometimes inactive, although, they may be in synchrony with the menstrual cycle. They are rarely malignant. However, they can cause either heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between normal periods. They may also impact fertility.

 Dr Goldstein can easily diagnose these uterine polyps in an office setting with minimally invasive techniques that he has championed such as Sonohysterograms or the newer disposable office hysteroscopes. If polyps truly are present and need to be removed, this is done in a simple outpatient procedure with anesthesia.

 Another reason for abnormal uterine bleeding is uterine fibroids. As many as one in five women develop uterine fibroids during their child-bearing years. Fibroids refer to small, benign tumors that develop in a woman’s womb. Common symptoms of uterine fibroids include abnormal bleeding, frequent urination, pelvic cramping or pain with periods, sensation of fullness or pressure in the lower abdomen and pain during intercourse.

Pelvic exams and ultrasounds are often used to identify the presence of fibroids in the uterus however these fibroids are like real estate – location, location, location. Only with transvaginal ultrasounds can we determine the proper location of fibroids. The ones that impact the uterine cavity will have the most effect on bleeding and / or fertility.

In many cases, the reason for abnormal uterine bleeding is a hormonal imbalance typically too much estrogen or not enough progesterone. A non-invasive examination of the uterine lining by transvaginal ultrasound or Sonohysterogram can quickly determine if a hormonal imbalance is the cause of the abnormal uterine bleeding.

The above are not all the reasons, an intrauterine device (IUD), growths, benign tumors, birth control pills, cancer, and more can also cause abnormal uterine bleeding.

 Dr Steven R. Goldstein MD, an Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Specialist in NYC , is recognized as a pioneer in the field of gynecologic ultrasound. His research in the field has significantly changed the way gynecology is practiced and, in many instances, has become the standard of care with the ACOG.

 Dr Goldstein uses painless, non-invasive methods as a first means of diagnosis to determine the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. As a Transvaginal Ultrasound Specialist in NYC, Dr Goldstein uses transvaginal ultrasounds to see the uterus, the uterine lining, fallopian tubes, uterine cavity, cervix, for a thorough evaluation and reason for the bleeding.

 Sonohysterograms or water sonograms as they are often referred to, provides a degree of magnification that allows the operator to see clearly and in high resolution the tiniest of detail in the uterus, far greater than what can be seen with the naked eye. For instance, using Sonohysterograms, Dr Goldstein can see a heartbeat within a 3 millimeter embryo. So when it comes to abnormal uterine bleeding, Sonohysterograms are ideal as the first means of diagnosis. They are both painless and non-invasive. 

 As a leading Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Specialist in NYC , Dr Steven R. Goldstein highly recommends to women experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding to avoid painful surgeries as a first means of diagnosis and opt first for transvaginal ultrasounds or Sonohysterograms as a first means of diagnosis.


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