Thursday, May 2, 2024

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Menopause


 Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a Hormone Specialist in NYC, and co author of the book “The Estrogen Alternative”. Dr Goldstein has treated thousands of women for the symptoms of menopause over his 25+ years in private practice. A past President of the International Menopause Society, and a Certified Menopause Practitioner, Dr Goldstein says that Menopause is not a disease. However, the symptoms of menopause are many and vary by woman. Some women decide to use “natural” methods to cope with the symptoms of menopause. But a woman gives up the protective benefits of estrogen when she decides against replacing what she lost at menopause.


Given the pros and cons, it’s important for every woman to consider her options and make her own choices. She needs to consider her family history and her overall health. Women with suspected cancer of the breast, or liver dysfunction or disease should not take hormone replacement therapy (HRT).


Hormone Replacement Therapy is not one size fits all. Women need to be carefully evaluated. It is not the quantity of estrogen prescribed that matters. It is the type of symptoms you are experiencing. HRT must be geared toward symptoms and not just flood the body with estrogen.


If your doctor says you are a candidate for hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you need to weigh the risks and benefits. As a woman, you are ten times more likely to die from heart disease than from breast cancer. Ask yourself, “does the protection against a fatal heart attack outweigh a possibly greater risk of breast cancer?” Is it going to be a better thirty years down the road to have bypassed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) when you fracture your hip?


When Dr Goldstein,  a Hormone Specialist in NYC, prescribes hormone replacement therapy, it’s after a long discussion in which he explains everything and helps the patient weigh her risks and benefits. HRT must be tailored to meet the needs and symptoms of each woman with her family history in mind as well. Dr Goldstein believes it is important that a woman leaves his office not just with a prescription, but with the answers to her questions and a treatment designed specifically for her.


If you are already experiencing the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, foggy memory, vaginal dryness and so on and are interested in learning how hormone replacement therapy can help you then arrange for a consultation with Dr Steven R. Goldstein by contacting his office in New York City.


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