Monday, March 21, 2022

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD Gynecologist in New York for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding & Heavy Periods

gynecologist in nyc

If you are seeking a specialist in New York City for abnormal uterine bleeding or heavy periods of bleeding, then request a consultation with Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD, a top gynecologist in New York. At his practice, the appointments are tailored to the individual patient and every patient is seen personally by Dr. Goldstein from the beginning of their visit to the end of it, including Dr. Goldstein performing all tests and procedures - including ultrasounds.

 Unfortunately, many women undergo painful surgeries and blind endometrial biopsies in the hopes of finding the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding or heavy bleeding or periods (menorrhagia). Doctor Goldstein uses non-invasive techniques like Sonohysterography to determine the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding. This takes a few minutes in his office and is painless.

Dr. Goldstein listens to his patients and uses ultrasound liberally when solving problems. Dr. Goldstein developed a catheter to put a tablespoon of sterile saline into the uterus, so women with abnormal uterine bleeding can avoid unnecessary biopsies, dilation and curettage procedures, and hysterectomies.


Furthermore, Sonohysterography provides Dr. Goldstein with clear, high-resolution images of the uterus to determine the cause of any abnormal uterine bleeding. This painless procedure is not confined to detecting symptoms of abnormal uterine bleeding, but it can also detect fibroids, polyps, and other conditions that may contribute to bleeding. 

To women seeking a specialist for abnormal uterine bleeding in NYC, be aware that the condition may also be due to hormonal reasons. With Sonohysterography, Dr. Goldstein can detect signs in the uterine lining that indicate if the bleeding is due to hormonal reasons.  

If you are seeking treatment in New York City for heavy bleeding from periods or otherwise, Dr. Goldstein is an expert Vaginal Sonogram Specialist who can provide women with a non-invasive option to determine the cause of the bleeding. 

For many years, painful and expensive uterine biopsies were the standard of care. Thanks to Dr. Goldstein’s research, the standard of care in Gynecology now begins with a Vaginal Sonogram, reducing painful surgeries and biopsies.



Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is a top Gynecologist in New York City for abnormal uterine bleeding and heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) with over 25 years of experience in practice. He is a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University School of Medicine, and the Director for Gynecologic Ultrasound, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York University Medical Center. Contact his office for an appointment today.

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